Sunday, January 5, 2014


-Focus on the positives, Let go of the negatives
-Enjoy the little things
-Be mature about things that frustrate me
-Focus less on Social Media
-Get more sleep
-Take a creative writing class
- Be studious
-Focus on my heath and self-wellness
-Be straightforward
-Make more time for my family
-Travel to a place I’ve never been
-Stand up for my beliefs and myself
-Do something for the community
-Start a Project, and Finnish it
-Find my Faith
            Wow can you believe that its already 2014, seems like 2013 was just like a week ago or something, kinda crazy right! Alright so I set my resolutions into action on January 2nd after a day of “Treat Yoself” which was fabulous of course but its defiantly time to make some changes this year. I’ve been slightly down in the dumps lately but for what? I was having a negative outlook on life and feeling bad for myself, I’ve been lazy and unproductive. So this year I decided to make a few changes. Starting with choosing happiness. If you let yourself be happy and find the joy in the little things you will find true happiness. So I’m making 2014 a “ME YEAR” meaning focusing on my happiness. Surround myself with people and things that make my life, and myself happier. Working out more and eating healthier, because when you look good you feel good. Devoting more time to those less fortunate, It’s so rewarding to help those in need, and little good karma never hurt anyone. And to go along with volunteering I have a little quote too “Don’t do good so that others might see, do good so that he may see” I always see people put pictures up when they do a good deed or something like they should be rewarded for being nice or something but the only one who matters is him, and he see’s all. And by “him” obviously I’m meaning Santa….haha kidding. Focus on being a good friend and you will receive good friends in return, you’ve got to give a little to get a little. And my last main focus of my “ME YEAR” is too have less focus on boys. Don’t get me wrong boys and relationships are great and if something comes along then that’s great but I need to work on myself before I can work on being with someone else.

I hope that everyone can set some goals to improve their happiness this year.
Happy 2014

Go have a “ME YEAR”

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