Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Just doin your thing

Being at college has helped me to realize a lot of things. For one who your real friends are and who really cares about you.  I think that people are really good at acting like they care when it’s convenient for them. Add a little distance and things can change really quick so its nice to know who still cares about you. Another thing is that everyone needs to quit judging everyone else. Were all just out trying to find our place in the world doing our own thing and making our own mistakes. So much judgment all the time isn’t good for anyone we all just need to chill and try to respect what everyone else is doing with their lives. People judge me because I don’t drink and automatically assume that I’m Mormon, people judge me be for being in a sorority and for what one I’m in. I get judge for the way I look and how I dress, I get judged for me weight and my IQ.  BUT WHO CARES? I was sitting on the bus the other day and this boy sat down by me and started talking to me I didn’t know him at all and I’ll admit he wasn’t the cutest kid in the world and I thought for a second ”why should I give this kid the time of day?”  but he was SO NICE we had a good talk and became buds, I was so glad that he had sat by me and talked to me because I made a really nice new friend and I felt bad for misjudging a person that I didn’t even know just because of the way that they looked. People are always thinking that they are better than someone else because they are better looking, because they have more money or whatever reason they think that they are so good. But why? I ask myself that every day. Your no better than the guy working at McDonalds he’s just working to support his family or whatever reason he needs a job so give him respect, and respect everyone else. I’ve learned that we receive the respect that we give and it is completely true. You’ve got to give it to get it.

You just gotta trust that what someone is doing is what’s best for them. Sometimes it’s hard for us to watch our friends make decisions that we would consider mistakes but you have to let people make their own mistakes, and learn from their own mistakes. Its okay if you’ve got something to say about it but you have no room to judge them. We can only judge ourselves for the choices that we are making and who we are. We all have different views about the world and about life and I think that’s okay. So my advice, just be you do your thing. Make plenty of mistakes and surround yourself with people who love you, for you.

oh and quick little shout out to my roomies/home girlz SK& Rissy & Annalise. Love them to death!

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